Podcast – Cache and Carry

The podcast, originally called Tech Talk for Teachers, for started Wayback in August 2019, with a group of robotics students. As it was the first time I was using robotics, as well as the students, I wanted to share that learning with the school community, to encourage others to get involved. From there, the podcast was sporadically updated ,with a little bit more growth during the pandemic. Some of the episodes include my buddies, Joel and Andre, but after the lock downs waned a little, so did the pod! When I moved back to Cambodia, I decided to bring it back to life. It started off some random thoughts, and now turning into a weekly episode called Cache and Carry (based on my weekly blog posts. Check out some of the episodes below.

Cache and Carry- Episode 2 – August 13, 2023

I’ll be discussing the ed-tech I’m testing, teaching practices I’m trying, YouTube videos I’m watching, quotes I’m pondering, things I’ve learned, and the “string” I’m pulling. This week, I tried poe.com, an AI chatbot that allows conversation with four different chatbots. For teaching, I experimented with TAG feedback, which stands for Tell me something you like, Ask me a question, and Give me a positive suggestion to improve my work. I’ve been watching Andrew Huberman’s YouTube video on the 5 pillars of health and performance, and pondering the quotes “not wasting time on nonsense” and “living a simple life.” Through my experiences, I’ve learned that change is necessary. Finally, I’m pulling the “string” of AI and considering its long-term impacts.

Cache and Carry- Episode 1 – April 10, 2023

I’ll be discussing the ed-tech I’m testing, teaching practices I’m trying, YouTube videos I’m watching, quotes I’m pondering, things I’ve learned, and the “string” I’m pulling. This week, I tried poe.com, an AI chatbot that allows conversation with four different chatbots. For teaching, I experimented with TAG feedback, which stands for Tell me something you like, Ask me a question, and Give me a positive suggestion to improve my work. I’ve been watching Andrew Huberman’s YouTube video on the 5 pillars of health and performance, and pondering the quotes “not wasting time on nonsense” and “living a simple life.” Through my experiences, I’ve learned that change is necessary. Finally, I’m pulling the “string” of AI and considering its long-term impact.

Random Thoughts on Education & Life – September 25, 2023

I just finished reading Hell Yeah or No by Derek Shivers. Love the guy and his thought train, as well as a few of his suggestions. The top one keeping a record of whatever crazy ideas and thoughts happen to pop into your head at any given time. Now here’s the thing, my head has more random thoughts than the amount of COVID vaccinations, so keeping track of them is like a full-time job in itself. Here’s a sneak peek of the madness I recorded on a bus journey from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap – inspiration from a Tim Ferris podcast featuring John List.