Do the Work – Steven Pressfield

You will find resistance in any activity that does NOT give you instant gratification ergo that dopamine fix. You should respect resistance, HOWEVER, you must defeat it.

Resistance is impersonal, selfish and should be defeated at every turn.

The more important something is the greater the resistance. Therefore, we must use this resistance to guide us to operate in the complete and opposite direction.

Consider too this issue of rationality which is linked to our ego

When being creative let go of the need to control!

Now for some positive:

1. Stay stupid – ignore the signs of how difficult the enterprise will be. Don’t think – just act.
2. Be stubborn – don’t stop once you have committed to action.
3. Blind faith
4. Passion – do what you do, but with passion.

1. Start BEFORE you are ready.
2. Don’t over research – 3 books max.
3. Stay primitive and don’t over plan.
4. Aim for the moon 🌝🌚
5. Plan the thing on a piece of A4 – keep it simple. There are 3 parts beginning – middle – end.
6. Speaking of the end – that’s exactly where you need to start. Then beginning then middle
7. Ask the question – ‘What is this about?’

1. Any project or story should have 7 or 8 major set pieces or scenes.
2. Now you can research.
3. Cover the canvas and get the work done! Don’t worry about the accuracy.
4. Don’t criticize yourself
5. The crazier the better – trust the soup
6. Be and think like a child – with constraints or filters.
7. Momentum is everything – work as much and as often as you can when you have momentum
8. Reflect twice a week on ” what is the project about?” Refine it dont add anything from now on unless it meets the theme. If something is missing, fill it
9. Remember that resistance comes second – always questioning your choices