Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 7 – Who Will Inherit The Earth?

Ed Tech I’m Using

Google Fonts – not exactly groundbreaking, but I recently rediscovered Google Fonts, after using dafont for what seems like forever. Google Fonts is now my go-to for all of my font needs!

AI I’m Exploring

Teachable Machine is a free online tool developed by Google that allows users to create their own machine-learning models without needing to know how to code. The tool uses a webcam or microphone to collect data from the user, which is then used to create a custom machine-learning model that can recognize and classify different inputs.

I intend to use it with my students to create a custom model to recognize different languages or accents!

Teaching Practice I’m Trying

I just finished reading two of the posts on ASCD, after a much-needed refresher on my literacy knowledge. Here are my notes on the first two posts in their series on literacy.

  • Build from birth: When reading new text about a new concept for example space, let your students explore/play the theme of space by building rockets or playing as astronauts!
  • Grow vocabulary: When Learners know more about the vocabulary in a piece of writing then they’re more likely to understand the text. Interestingly, it talks about that in explicit instruction works but it’s better if it just comes across naturally because then it’ll construct its own meanings. In read-aloud, try all kinds of genres, including informational as well as the normal rotation of fiction. Revisit words across different texts.
  • Create discussions: Empower students to talk. Eg. Question the author! Guided reading style.

YouTube Video I’m Watching

I start my day with this and it is the thing I look forward to the most before I hit the hay – coffee. Chandler Graf presents this TedX Talk on coffee. I didn’t even know that coffee beans could be washed.

Things I’ve Learned

I just started a course on coaching with the Instructional Coaching Group, led by the awesome Jim Knight – who is my joint-favourite researcher and writer in education; ties with Michael Fullan. My key takeaway was the 7 partnership principles – see graphic below. In case you are wondering why there is a random Gibbon in the graphic is that, according to the BBC, it partners with its mate for life. Given how critical partnership principles are in coaching, I felt that Gary the Gibbon deserved his spot here; although I am sure not all coaches and teachers partner for life…

Partnership Principles, adapted from The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, Jim Knight

The String I’m Pulling

I came across this after asking a chatbot I created in POE, to help me find peer-reviewed research as I desperately try to think about what research project I should do for my grad program, and it came up with ERIC*; an online library of education research.

*ERIC (Education Resources Information Center): ERIC is a free database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education that indexes and provides access to articles, reports, and other publications related to education. It is a great resource for finding research articles on a wide range of education topics.

Quote, I’m Pondering

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer; thanks to Jim Knight for this!