Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 2

Ed-Tech I’m Testing

Recently, I’ve dived back into Google Sheets and got my Grade 5 students to cover all the basics required for making a line graph. I dubbed this the “7 Steps to Success in a Graph” and made sure to emphasize the importance of:

  1. Clear and concise title
  2. Axis labels that indicate the units of measurement and variable being plotted
  3. Consistent and appropriate scale for each axis
  4. Data points to make the line easier to follow
  5. Visible yet not-so-thick line
  6. A legend that explains any symbols or colours used
  7. Citation or source for the data being presented.

Teaching Practice I’m Trying

A Kagan learning structure called Rally Coach, where students work in pairs to solve a problem. The first step is to give them a few problems, then one of the students tries to solve it whilst the other coaches, and vice versa. This is a pretty awesome structure, as it provides a platform for shared responsibility. However, the one issue I have is the coaching part. My students do not know what coaching is, and nor should they, as it is quite a complex process; having been through it myself. So I have resolved to name it Rally Assistance, whilst I work on some sentence stems/prompts to get the students going.

YouTube Video I’m Watching

The Obscurious YouTube channel contains a bunch of practical information on Chat GPT and other AI platforms. This video, in particular, produced a bunch of threads that I started to pull already…

Things I’ve Learned

I recently attended the Cambodia International Educators Conference and loved meeting so many awesome people with different ideas and approaches to education. I presented on entrepreneurship through mostly stories, but in hindsight, I would have planned more hands-on activities for the participants.

The String I’m Pulling

I’m delving into chatbot prompts as a way to prepare for the upcoming AI (or Large Language Model/LLM?) tsunami. I found a great cheat sheet to get started, but I’m also using a ChatGPT prompt generator to generate prompts for me. 

Quote I’m Pondering

“Live simply, so that others can simply live.” And what’s more simple than having a chatbot do the work for you?