Ed-Tech I’m Testing
Recently, I’ve dived back into Google Sheets and got my Grade 5 students to cover all the basics required for making a line graph. I dubbed this the “7 Steps to Success in a Graph” and made sure to emphasize the importance of:
- Clear and concise title
- Axis labels that indicate the units of measurement and variable being plotted
- Consistent and appropriate scale for each axis
- Data points to make the line easier to follow
- Visible yet not-so-thick line
- A legend that explains any symbols or colours used
- Citation or source for the data being presented.
Teaching Practice I’m Trying
A Kagan learning structure called Rally Coach, where students work in pairs to solve a problem. The first step is to give them a few problems, then one of the students tries to solve it whilst the other coaches, and vice versa. This is a pretty awesome structure, as it provides a platform for shared responsibility. However, the one issue I have is the coaching part. My students do not know what coaching is, and nor should they, as it is quite a complex process; having been through it myself. So I have resolved to name it Rally Assistance, whilst I work on some sentence stems/prompts to get the students going.
YouTube Video I’m Watching
The Obscurious YouTube channel contains a bunch of practical information on Chat GPT and other AI platforms. This video, in particular, produced a bunch of threads that I started to pull already…
Things I’ve Learned
I recently attended the Cambodia International Educators Conference and loved meeting so many awesome people with different ideas and approaches to education. I presented on entrepreneurship through mostly stories, but in hindsight, I would have planned more hands-on activities for the participants.
The String I’m Pulling
I’m delving into chatbot prompts as a way to prepare for the upcoming AI (or Large Language Model/LLM?) tsunami. I found a great cheat sheet to get started, but I’m also using a ChatGPT prompt generator to generate prompts for me.
Quote I’m Pondering
“Live simply, so that others can simply live.” And what’s more simple than having a chatbot do the work for you?