Blog Posts

Recently I have been posting a bunch of notes on books that I have been reading, whether or not they have had an impact on my life! I am a little obsessed with reading, something that I blame the pandemic for starting; it was either read or play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. I occasionally share my thoughts on ed-tech and coaching, which should probably happen more often give the name of this website.


Concept Based Curriculum and Instruction (CBCI) – My Notes

Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom - by Erickson, Lanning &...

Ultralearning – Scott Young – My Notes

Directness is the process of learning which involves you doing the thing that you want to learn....

Turn the Ship Around! – David Marquet – My Notes

This is a book on leadership. By giving someone the opportunity to own a problem and their...

The Inevitable – Kevin Kelly – My Notes

My favourite futurist...Kevin Kelly. Opening Quotes Our ability to invent new things outpaces the...

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership – Dethmer, Chapman, Klemp – My Notes

Responsibility is something you take for yourself, not something that is assigned to you As a...

Rapt – Winifred Gallagher – My Notes

Life is fashioned from what you pay attention to and what you haven't. Or better still, your life...

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – Dale Carnegie – My Notes

The opening quote of what changed Sir William Osieris "Our main business is not to see what lies...

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethu – My Thoughts

Lots and lots of practical financial advice from "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethu....

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

The Purple Cow and the Wild Geese: Lessons in Creating Remarkable Products. A note to readers is...

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport

Four rules to finding a meaningful and engaging work-life. Move from the right work to working...


Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 14 – Drinking Through The Firehose

I just started a new teaching position at a large school in Indonesia. And for the first time, I...

The Instructional Coach Course: A Marathon of Learning (But Without the Sweat)

I have just past the halfway point on the Instructional Coach Course with Jim Knight and Brian...

Virtual Learning Survival Guide

Today is February 16th, 2020, and instead of looking out at the Shanghai skyline (not much to see...

Speechify Overview

Speechify is a powerful app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to...

Scribble Diffusion

Scribble Diffusion uses AI to create images by leveraging computer vision algorithms to analyze...

This Week In AI

To start the week I used Scribble Diffusion with my students to create basket tags - what a total...

Capture and Create Value – A Tech Coach Perspective

As of August 2021, I am our school’s system-wide technology integration and coordination...

Google Semantris

Google Semantris is a word association game that uses Google's semantic search technology. It can...

AI Image Generators

Comparing Which face is real? to This Person Does Not Exist is a fair comparison, as they are both...

IPC Brainwave Metacognition

IPC Brainwave Metacognition In preparation for my first time back in the homeroom for 7 years, and...


Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 14 – Drinking Through The Firehose

I just started a new teaching position at a large school in Indonesia. And for the first time, I...

Skills We Will Need in 2030

As I prepare for interviews at international schools, I reflect on my practice from an existential...

Teachers and Time

I just completed a mammoth dissertation for a master's program. The topic I chose was to explicate...

Bytes by the Bubbler

After some mindless scrolling of X, I came across the most memorable infographic that I have seen...

Google Analytics – My First Impressions

After two and a bit years, I have submitted my master's dissertation. I am finally free of the...

Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 13 – Goal Setting

Ed Tech I’m Using Storybird is a unique online platform that allows students to create their own...

Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 12 – Easy Choices = Hard Life

Ed Tech I’m Using I came across Twine, a classic story editor after asking Bard to suggest some...

Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 11 – The Sun is Setting on Inertia

Ed Tech I’m Using This week a bunch of people posted some SAMR posters that have been online for a...

Cache and Carry – My Week In International Education – Entry 10 – Motivation

Ed Tech I’m Using Busy shapes - I was checking out for my brother's kid, who is 3 years old. The...

My Educational Philosophy

I believe that learning is a lifelong journey and that our learners, educators, classrooms and...

All Posts

Google Semantris

Google Semantris is a word association game that uses Google's semantic search technology. It can be a fun and engaging way to help students develop their vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Here are some ways you can use Semantris in the classroom: Vocabulary...

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Investment In Yourself

Don't wait for your employer to invest in you, invest in yourself. Register for a grad program (if you can afford it), or a free course from Harvard on how to code in Scratch. Buy a subscription on Skillshare. Practice a new language on Duolingo every day. Read Marcus...

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AI Image Generators

Comparing Which face is real? to This Person Does Not Exist is a fair comparison, as they are both websites that use AI to generate images of people. However, the two websites have different approaches and purposes. Which face is real? is more of a game that...

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The Magic Of Thinking Big – David Schwartz

The Magic Of Thinking Big – David Schwartz This is one of the few books I have read twice, other than Fantastic Mr. Fox and the BFG. You must absolutely believe in success! Think doubt and fail. Think success and win. Think about big goals and you will achieve them....

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No Rules Rules – Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer

Treat people like adults who can handle difficult information. In other words be honest. Whisper wins and yell mistakes. But you must be viewed as being strong to begin with. InnovationHave dedicated time to innovate, but you can only do this if you have an a time who...

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Deep Work – Cal Newport

There are two core abilities to thrive in the be economy: 1. Master hard things quickly.2. Produce at an elite level; quality and speed important. Above all, however, you need to produce! You need to have a routine of deliberate practice; focus on a specific skill;...

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The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande

Too many things have become too complicated for anyone person to remember. Therefore, the checklist was created. Create checklists for lesson planning and for tasks for the kids to follow. When preparing to do a big task like a one-off task have the checklist ready...

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How To Live 24 Hours In a Day – Arnold Bennett

These are my key take-ways from the book, with links to other books I have read. Time is like a currency, and everyday you get 24 hours to spend. You have all the time you will ever need. However, every day you feel that something is undone, this because you are...

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Output Control what you put out into the world, and own it. Know that, what you say, and how you act to and around others can have a lasting impact. Make it a positive one. Peace.

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The 48 Laws Of Power – Robert Greene

Not all 48, but ones that stood out... 1. Use your enemies. Turn them from wolves into sheep. Don't trust your friends too much. It is ok to create enemies in order to keep your mind and body in focus. 2. Conceal your intentions. To seduce people, make suggestions not...

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Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek

Leaders sacrifice what is theirs to save what is ours - opening quote from Leaders Eat Last. You must truly care about those people in your care. Inspire those around you to become great. Prioritize the well-being of YOUR people. The key is to have EMPATHY. Each...

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Do the Work – Steven Pressfield

You will find resistance in any activity that does NOT give you instant gratification ergo that dopamine fix. You should respect resistance, HOWEVER, you must defeat it. Resistance is impersonal, selfish and should be defeated at every turn. The more important...

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May the Centripetal and Centrifugal Force Be With You

May the Centripetal and Centrifugal Force Be With You I am now back into full swing in the classroom! I had totally forgotten how much hard work it is to be a homeroom teacher – and in a perverse way, I am really grateful. I am also at a smaller school, with a lot...

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Don’t Shoot The Dog – Karen Pryor

A must read for educators? Positive reinforcement - reward the good behavior and don't nag the bag Example when kids do really well on their work, celebrate this. When ifed Chewbacca I simultaneously cut his nails When someone comes to you with good news, celebrate it...

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IPC Brainwave Metacognition

IPC Brainwave Metacognition In preparation for my first time back in the homeroom for 7 years, and teaching the IPC Brainwave unit, I have created a couple of resources for my students. I have asked them to create a digital product of their choice to communicate their...

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Silver Linings

Back in January, things were looking pretty rosy. I was on track with the COETAIL final project, tech integration was growing at a fantastic rate in the classrooms, we were just about to start our digital citizenship program with grades 6 through 10, and I had done a...

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Tech Integration Treasure Hunt

Next year I will be integrating technology with Grades 1 through 5, as well as Grades 6 to 12! I find working with younger students to be hugely rewarding, as they are at an earlier stage of their learning journeys, I have an opportunity to teach them how to use tech...

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Synergy in Virtual Learning

At some point during the current COVID-19 pandemic, I decided that I needed to escape the daily onslaught of horrible and depressing news from around the globe. I wanted to check out of life just for about 30 minutes each day (sometimes longer), and all the...

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Blended Learning Buy-In

It has been quite some time since I was last in an offline classroom; 2 months and 28 days to be exact. And in that time, all of the learning opportunities that I have provided have been based on virtual/remote/distance models. Now, rumor has it that we might be back...

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Virtual Learning – Bold Predictions

Last year, I was asked by a teacher to deliver a series of lessons based on the concept of students making bold predictions and how artificial intelligence would change our lives in the future. Little did we know at the time that we would be looking square in the...

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