Google Analytics – My First Impressions

After two and a bit years, I have submitted my master’s dissertation. I am finally free of the shackles of citations, synthesis and epistemology. But free to do what? Free to watch YouTube shorts? Free to comment on the international teachers’ subreddit? Free to take a nap after work? It turns out, whilst I enjoy physical freedom and autonomy at school, and the odd nap, I need structure in my free time – or maybe as Jim Knight calls it ‘Freedom within form’.

The thing is, inertia is my nemesis. I become listless and myopic, only seeing to the end of what video short I am watching. So, approximately 6 days after submitting my dissertation I signed up to the not-inexpensive Coursera and (re)started Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate. I decided to pick this course up, as the current discourse in schools is all about data. Yet I have yet to meet an educator out there who has a strong background in this area. So, I thought I would try and fill in this gap, being the wanna-be educational entrepreneur.

I love what I have learned so far, but aside from the mini quizzes in the course, and reflection entries, there are no assignments; at least not yet. Therefore, I have decided to create one pagers throughout the course to help me remember what I am learning, and to practice my rusty design skills – although, the slack in my design skills has improved dramatically with the assistance of StableDiffusionXL in

Check out my first attempt – note that I am colour-blind, and use to create colour palettes. Unfortunately, you have to pay beyond a certain limit, and I am not going to fork out any more subscriptions this month, so I turned to AI to create colour palettes for me.