Not all 48, but ones that stood out…
1. Use your enemies.
Turn them from wolves into sheep. Don’t trust your friends too much. It is ok to create enemies in order to keep your mind and body in focus.
2. Conceal your intentions.
To seduce people, make suggestions not directions – nothing is worse than the boredom of security.
Stop telling everyone how you feel, don’t be that open book. Rather set up conflicting signals.
Support an idea that is contrary to your objective – red herring.
Don’t talk to much, maybe respond with the famous words from King Louie “we shall see”.
5. Reputation
Protect your reputation with your life and spot holding others to make them vulnerable.
Create and maintain a reputation.
My reputation will be one of LISTENING
Consider what the reputation is of other people’s and attack it subtly
8. Let others come to you.
Think about the honey bear trap. Let the trap and watch them come to you.
9. Win through actions never through argument.
The truth is generally seen and rarely hesrd
10. Don’t associate with destructive people. A
11. Make yourself irreplaceable.
For example seek out week rulers and let them become dependent on you.
12. When asking for help from someone, appeal to their self-interests – NEVER bring up things that you have done for that person in the past.
Try to get in the other person’s head what is it that they want what is it that they are telling you their self-interest.
13. Play the fool or at least dumb down your intelligence.
14. Never appear to be hard working. Never recall a favor that you give me someone else except try to be the cuts paw so use yourself as the cat’s pole for them but knowing that what you’re doing.
15 plan things through, right to the very end when taking a direction or speaking up
16. When appearing in public you must practice so much that the process seems effortless. Don’t reveal the tricks. If you are calm, the audience is calm
17. Find the helpless child
You will know when you find this whenever you say something and that person acts like a child that is their weakness. They have not out grown this weakness since childhood take advantage of it.
18. Believe that you are owed great things and this will transpire. I.e writing out an affirmation everyday for DoT or dressing accordingly. Always act with dignity!!!!
19. Never seen to be in hurry – always come across calm. This is essential.
20. Disdain things you cannot have. Ignore your enemies. The less interested you seem the more powerful you become.
21. Use visuals more than just words. Words alone are weak. Think about Xiao and mechanised org charts or the R3 poster for the Apple event. He constantly referred to it. Symbols create powerful associations.
The truth is generally seen and rarely heard – Gracian.
22. Express disagreements with more subtly. Learn to blend in, over time chip away at your real goal. Don’t show you true colors otherwise you will be shunned like the black sheep is shunned by the flock.
Yeah honey. Or you become like the bee who stings in anger
23. Despise the free lunch – basically anything free has strings attached. Furthermore, do not be misery like Lori and be tight with money. It causes resentment
24. Find and destroy the stirrer in a group. Go after the shepherd
25. Never impose your will upon others. Instead, mirror them and win over their hearts and minds. Find out what makes them different and then hold the mirror up to this!
26. Preach the need for change, but do not reform too much at once. Particularly when you are coming into a new job you must show respect for the old ways, or people will revolt against you.
Play down your innovations, otherwise people will be become anxious – change management. Pay attention to what is going on around you; macro and micro.
27. Never flaunt your wealth! Appear imperfect. Only show your wealth inside your house.
28. After a victory, tighten your helmet. Don’t continue and push for too much. Change tactics.